Environment and sustainability

Sustainably reduce costs in refrigerated transport

Costly refrigeration, high fuel consumption and an unpredictable last mile: In temperature-controlled logistics, there are many factors that cause costs to explode. To make refrigerated logistics profitable again in 2023, retailers and logistics companies need to rethink their approach. We show what is currently causing the greatest expenses in temperature-controlled transport and what options companies have to sustainably reduce their refrigerated transport costs.

Is the last mile also sustainable?

Online retailing is booming, the environment is paying! While Max and Erika Mustermann are getting more and more goods delivered to their doorstep, packaging waste and CO2 emissions are growing. We show why sustainability on the last mile is currently still a problem, what special role food transport plays in this, and what options there are for making last-mile logistics not only more environmentally friendly but also more cost-efficient in the future.

CO2 emissions in food transport - what to do?

When the head of lettuce has traveled more than you: The international transport of food causes around three gigatons of CO2 emissions a year - that's 30 percent of the greenhouse budget of all food production! We show why avocado from Peru and oranges from South Africa are such a massive problem for our environment, and what we can do to sustainably reduce CO2 emissions in food transport. Spoiler Alert: It's not enough to push locally produced food!